Coptotermes termites: the most destructive termites in Manila for homeowners.
In past years Pest-Ex have protected over 3,000 structures in Manila against termites using the worlds #1 termite baiting system the exterra termite baiting system.
- TSB: Technical service bulletin effective immediately 2023
We have updated our recommendations on all current termite bait system sites to be serviced no longer than 2 months for the following reasons:
System breaches (Yes, no termite management system in the world is completely bulletproof) we have had 3 system breaches in the Philippines where termites have consumed the internal components of the station and then moved on to other food sources. Our service intervals were 3 monthly, if we had of serviced these sites 2 monthly, we would have intercepted the feeding termites in the in ground stations and the baiting process would have been implemented immediately, resulting in bait to be added then termites spread throughout the colony and eventually elimination would occur. Instead, termites moved on to other food sources.
The above picture shows how fast Coptotermes termites have destroyed and consumed the internal components of the bait system in 9 weeks, the termites have now abandoned the bait system and begun looking for new food sources. If this system was serviced not exceeding 8 weeks, the termites would have been intercepted and baited protecting the clients home fast and eliminating the termite colony.
Our experienced service technicians found these failures fast and we were able to act and detect the nearby termites before extensive termite damage was done to the homes.
Pest-Ex in Australia have protected over 10,000 homes and encounter the destructive coptotermes termites same as we have in the Philippines. Pest-Ex Australia have system service recommendations of no longer than 2 months for sites older than 1 year.
Pest-Ex Philippines have followed the service intervals the same as AU as Australia has not had a system failure in 11 years using this service schedule.
- Frequent service results in faster colony interception and faster colony elimination.
- Regular servicing and replenishment of internal components make your bait system irresistible to termites
- faster better servicing = faster colony elimination
Pest-Ex have attended 17 system failures from termite bait systems in Manila in 2023, these failures were from other sites/company and systems where some company’s were servicing the baits every 6 or 8 months… termite bait systems simply wont work unless the servicing and baiting schedule is followed.
Do you have questions about termite bait systems?
Contact us direct to discuss.
Danny Kelly – (Pest-Ex Philippines)